elements & SCHEDULE
More men have been on the moon than have deadlifted 500 kg. That says enough! In this sports event only the best of the best can claim the title 'Strongest Man of Aruba'.

Day 1 - Event 1
Vehicle Pull (hand-over-hand)
The goal is to pull the vehicle on the beach from point A to B as quickly as possible. The participant will sit at the start with a rope in hand, pull as hard as possible on signal “3-2-1 GO” and ensure that the vehicle reaches the finish line as quickly as possible. The distance is roughly 15 meters.
The event win:
Fastest time wins
After that, the most covered distance within 2 minutes
Day 1 - Event 2
Heavy Dumbbell Lift (for reps)
The goal of this element is to dumbbell push press/jerk as much as possible within 1 minute. At the start, the athlete starts at the dumbbell on “3-2-1 GO”. The dumbbell may be hand-picked up and then place it on his shoulder. From there the athlete begins his attempt to complete as many reps as possible within 1 minute. During the exercise the dumbbell may be placed on the floor to rest. It is also allowed to change hands and the dumbbell may be lowered with 2 hands.
Push-press: the weight is on the shoulder and may only be touched with 1 hand. Dumbbell dips are allowed. Next, push the dumbbell upwards and fully extend the arm. The reps only counts if the athlete is standing fully straight. If the athlete used 2 hands to push out the dumbbell or the arm is not stretch completely, no rep will not count.
Push jerk: the weight is on the shoulder and may only be touched with 1 hand. Dumbbell dips are allowed. Next, push the dumbbell upwards and fully extend the arm. Another dip is now allowed to absorb the weight from a lower angle to then stand up straight. The reps only counts if the athlete is standing fully straight. If the athlete used 2 hands to push out the dumbbell or the arm is not stretch completely, no rep will not count.
Event win:
The athlete with the most reps has won
If there are athletes with the same number of reps, the tiebreak time of the last approved rep will be considered and fastest time wins

Log Lift
A log lift uses a steel (fake) tree trunk with 2 internal handles. It is the intention that the tree trunk is pushed out until one stand straight and the arms are stretched.
The straight up in the air position is to be maintained for at least 1 second.
The head may not be used as an intermediate stop to rest the weight.
Atlas & Husafell Stones
The idea is to lift the different stones (atlas stones and/or Husafell stones to different heights/platforms as quickly as possible.
The athletes lift the different stones onto the different platforms.
As soon as the last weight is on the target platform and the athlete taps the bell, the time stops.
The time is only valid if all stones are on the platforms.

Dead Lift
Lift as heavy a weight as possible and hold for 2 seconds. Pick up the weight in a bent over position with the legs also slightly bent.
The lift is approved if the athlete can hold the weight upright and with legs straight for 2 seconds.
The weight with which it is increased is 20 kilos in the beginning and ends with 2.5 kilos.
Each player has 3 attempts at a time. You have a maximum of 5 minutes each time to perform the exercise.
Farmer's Carry
The competitors will carry, drag and load several heavy and irregular objects onto a platform over a course.
A track is set out.
It's a timed event and the weights may not be dragged through the sand.