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More men have been on the moon than have deadlifted 500 kg. That says enough! In this sports event only the best of the best can claim the title 'Strongest Man of Aruba'. 

Element 1


Keg Throw

This element is inspired and originated from the long traditions of the Highland Games. Throw the beer barrel over a high target. Each contender gets two attempts per height.

  • The 50L beer kegs are empty.

  • Throwing with both hands, backwards.

  • Two attempts per height.

  • Height intervals are 10cm.

  • A successful throw is if the keg went over and the bar stays in place.


Truck Pull

The purpose of this element is to pull the truck by a rope with harness on a track as quickly as possible.

  • The truck is driven by a rope/harness attached to the person.

  • At the start signal of the referee, the drawing may be started. Now also the time starts.

  • The time stops as soon as you touch the finish line with one hand.

  • How you pull the truck is allowed in any way without the help of third parties or attributes other than offered by the organizers.

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Element 2
Element 3
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Log Lift for Reps

A log lift uses a steel (fake) tree trunk with 2 internal handles. It is the intention that the tree trunk is pushed out until one stand straight and the arms are stretched.

  • The straight up in the air position is to be maintained for at least 1 second.

  • The head may not be used as an intermediate stop to rest the weight.

Element 4


Atlas Stones

The idea is to lift the different stones (atlas stones and/or Husafell stones to different heights/platforms as quickly as possible.

  • The athletes lift the different stones onto the different platforms.

  • As soon as the last weight is on the target platform and the athlete taps the bell, the time stops.

  • The time is only valid if all stones are on the platforms.

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Element 5


Car Dead Lift

Lift as heavy a weight as possible and hold for 2 seconds. Pick up the weight in a bent over position with the legs also slightly bent.

  • The lift is approved if the athlete can hold the weight upright and with legs straight for 2 seconds.

  • The weight with which it is increased is 20 kilos in the beginning and ends with 2.5 kilos.

  • Each player has 3 attempts at a time. You have a maximum of 5 minutes each time to perform the exercise.

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The competitors will carry, drag and load several heavy and irregular objects onto a platform over a course.

  • A track is set out.

  • It's a timed event and the weights may not be dragged through the sand.


strongest man of aruba



WhatsApp +297 594 8349

MooMba Beach, Palm Beach, Aruba

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